21 Simple SEO Tips to Optimize Your Website

21 Simple SEO Tips to Optimize Your Website

1 Limit the length of the TITLE tags to approximately 60 characters. Google limits the TITLE tags to 512 Pixels (it no longer looks at the number of characters), but it is difficult to count pixels… 60 characters works very well.

Here is an example: Location voiture Marrakech aéroport

2 Make reading your blog posts enjoyable by incorporating as many images as possible to cut the text in half and write very short sentences. Create a new paragraph every 1-2 sentences to make the text very "light".

3 Use your target keyword in the first paragraph of your article. Google has always enjoyed seeing a keyword at the top of content, and generally speaking, your readers like to quickly see the keyword they have entered.

 For examle: you can set these keywords for you car rental Business.

4 Detect duplicates of TITLE using the Google Search Console. Go to "Appearance in search results" then "HTML improvements". The uniqueness of the TITLES and primordial.

5 If you create an article containing only videos and / or infographics, it is imperative to offer your readers a text version. Indeed, Google is not able to index the content of your video or infographic ... it therefore needs a transcription in Text format.

6 Use parentheses or square brackets in your TITLE tags. Indeed, it has been proven that in the TOP 10 results, the one with a TITLE containing (parentheses) or [square brackets] attracts the eye of the user and increases the Clickthrough Rate.

7 Offer your readers very practical articles which clearly explain to them how to reproduce your advice and tips. These kinds of articles (e.g. tutorials) tend to be much more shared on social media.


8 Use variations of your keyword in the H1 and H2 tags. For example, if your main keyword is "Build your body", you can use "Sculpt your figure" in an H1 or H2 tag.

9 Optimize your home page to make it both attractive and by incorporating nice forms to get your great e-book or other guides in exchange for an email address. So your home page will allow you to optimize the conversion rather than trying hard to rank on a keyword. Leave this role to your blog posts ...

10 Publish long and complete content on a chosen topic. It has been proven that the longer and more detailed a blog article, the better it will be ranked. So try to produce content of at least 1000 words. For my part, I prefer to write tutorials of minimum 2500 words.

11 Place your keyword at the beginning of your TITLE tag. Google and other search engines like to see keywords at the start of content and at the beginning of TITLE tags, and tend to rank these keywords better.

Check those pages and see.

Location de voiture pas cher Casablanca

Location de voiture pas cher Agadir

Location de voiture pas cher Marrakech

12 In your articles, add some links (for reference) pointing to external sites dealing with the same subject as the article and if possible of high authority. Google has confirmed that this boosts the ranking.

13 Don't forget to enter the ALT attribute of your images. Google can't read your images, so give it a chance to understand what your images are about. So write the keywords describing your images, without optimizing, stay natural.

14 "Optimize the internal mesh of your website" so as to allow good transmission of the Page Rank between pages of different levels. For more on the internal mesh

Look at these as example:

Location de voiture avec chauffeur Casablanca

Location de voiture avec chauffeur Agadir

Location de voiture avec chauffeur Marrakech

15 Use a number in the TITLE Tag. Adding numbers to the TITLE has been shown to have a positive impact on the Clickthrough rate. When possible, add a number to the TITLE tags. For example: "The 100 most influential blogs".

16 Include long tail keywords in your TITLE tags to generate more traffic. Indeed, imagine that you want to classify your page on "luxury watches". Why not also write "Best luxury watches", to quickly rank on this keyword and then on "luxury watches" ...

17 Group your articles dealing with the same subject but generating very little traffic in a single article in the form of a guide or tutorial. This merger will generate much higher added value and drain much more traffic than all of these items combined.

18 Delete or de-index (by adding no-index) all articles on your blog that generate no traffic. It is useless to keep a quantity of pages generating nothing. Do the cleaning.

19 Delete or de-index all the product pages of your e-commerce site that never generate traffic, therefore income. After this cleaning you will most certainly see that your traffic has improved and even that your e-commerce site generates more sales ...

20 Check that your site is really considered "responsive", and has a mobile version. To do this, open Google on your Smartphone and enter the name of your company or brand. You will see your site appear with the indication "mobile site" if it is considered responsive by Google.

 see this page: Location Voiture de luxe Casablanca

21 Check for basic technical errors via Google Search Console. To do this, simply go to "Exploration" then "Exploration errors". It is important to check this section regularly. Technical errors are easily fixed and can negatively impact the ranking of your site in search results.